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Advancing Locally-Led Development and Shifting Power Dynamics

Cordaid believes locally-led development is essential for fostering equity in international humanitarian and development efforts. We can effectively address long-term development challenges by empowering local actors to take the lead.

Acknowledging that our organisation’s presence is temporary while local actors remain in their communities, we are committed to gradually shifting power dynamics. This means local partners will lead decisions and actions that directly affect them, with Cordaid playing a supportive and facilitative role.

Co-creating Innovative Solutions

Given the current global crises, which disproportionately affect communities with limited resources, Cordaid is working to co-create innovative solutions that address the priorities set by local partners and the communities they serve.

Intermediary Role

We are also reviewing our business and operational models to better align with our role as an intermediary, ensuring local partners receive a fair share of the available budgets.

“Cordaid is committed to empowering local actors in humanitarian and development work. We recognise that each context requires unique, tailored solutions and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.”

Our efforts to promote locally-led development span across three key areas: policy, organisational development, and operational practice.

At the policy level:

  • We signed the Pledge for Change and committed to the Charter for Change. These initiatives re-imagine the role of INGOs in the global humanitarian and development system and promote locally-led responses. Additionally, we are long-standing supporters of the Shift the Power movement, a mobilising force that seeks to highlight, harness, and legitimise new ways of development cooperation.

At the organisational level:

  • We emphasise the importance of ethical and inclusive communication and follow international standards and guidelines for creating our communication outputs.
  • We signed an agreement with the Dutch Relief Alliance that ensures equal distribution of overhead budget allocations to local implementing partners in humanitarian programmes.
  • We established a Locally-Led Development Working Group to identify challenges, resources, and new approaches for equitable partnerships and we launched a Community of Practice for locally-led development, promoting the sharing of experiences and best practices. To measure our progress, we  developed a survey to gather feedback from peers, partners, and donors.

At the programme level:

A Commitment to Lasting Change

Cordaid is committed to empowering local actors in humanitarian and development work. We recognise that each context requires unique, tailored solutions and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This journey is an ongoing process of learning and adaptation, where Cordaid continuously redefines its role in supporting its local partners.