Cordaid has been working in Burkina Faso for over four decades, in close collaboration with local NGOs. In Burkina Faso, we focus on improving economic opportunities, livelihoods and health care. In all our programmes, we pay special attention to today’s most pressing topics, such as gender, climate change and responsible business conduct.

Burkina Faso
Results & Indicators
109,200 farmers supported through improved access to finance (2020)
13,200 women received business skills training (2020)
16,000 women trained in the production and use of low-cost wood stoves (2020)
8,000 farmers have increased their income (2020)
Food systems
Through our fish farming programme, we address the issue of food security by offering economic opportunities, encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting job creation, especially for young people and women.
In the Innovating For Impact in Sesame programme, we strengthen the organic sesame value chain. We develop technological and logistical innovations, such as improved seeds, farming techniques, traceability systems, and mobile phone payments. This leads to improved product quality and lower transaction costs, which allows 8,000 farmers to increase their income.
In the Birds, Bees & Business programme, we support women who produce shea butter, to better manage the landscape, preserve the ecosystem and improve their livelihoods.
Health care
Sexual and reproductive health remains a major challenge. According to the Demographic Health Survey of 2015, the contraceptive prevalence rate was 22.5% with unmet needs in family planning of 19.4%. Unfortunately, female genital mutilation is widespread: two-thirds of women (63%) in Burkina Faso are victims of these harmful practices. Cordaid provides sexual and reproductive rights training to teachers, nurses, midwives, and matrons. With these skills, they can provide the necessary support to people in remote communities.
We have a fish farming programme in the regions of North, Central-North, East and Sahel. The Innovating For Impact in Sesame programme takes place in Hauts Bassins, Cascades, Southwest and Boucle du Mouhoun. You will find our Birds, Bees & Business programme in the Shea Zone.
Burkina Faso Government, Naturama, Tiipaalga, Olvea, Vogelbescherming Nederland, Fair Climate Fund, Global Shea Alliance, GIZ, Danida, Nationale Postcode Loterij, Mastercard Foundation, Nuffic.
Avenue Père Joseph Wresinski
Patte d’oie BP 108
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
+226 25 37 20 50
The Burkina Faso office is part of our West Africa Cluster.
Director of the West Africa Cluster
Iris Hartevelt
Email: [email protected]
Country Manager
Lassina Sanou
Email: [email protected]