Cordaid has been operational in Ethiopia since 2006, supporting development and emergency response efforts, with a focus on health system strengthening, food security, job creation and humanitarian aid.

Results & Indicators
6,485,968 people reached through our activities (2022)
2,751,749 people supported with access to basic health care (2022)
443,899 people supported with access to services for sexual and reproductive health and rights (2022)
37,422 people supported with life-saving services (2022)
Humanitarian assistance
We provide life-saving emergency relief for the people in Tigray who are affected by this protracted conflict. Through our Triple Nexus programme, we link humanitarian aid interventions with activities that enhance community resilience to conflict risks. Humanitarian aid addresses the temporary urgent basic needs for water, food and livelihood restoration. The resilience component ensures that basic needs are achieved through sustainable services and livelihood support.
Health care
Our results-based financing approach to health system strengthening increases the quality and quantity of service delivery for the participating health facilities. This is a supply-side mechanism that aims to increase the output of health facilities and local health authorities by incentivising pre-determined results. Our goal is to contribute towards improved access to affordable, inclusive, quality, and equitable maternal, neonatal and child health services and other services in Ethiopia.
Food systems
Our livelihoods programmes strengthen the ability of producers, entrepreneurs, and workers. This enables them to sustainably grow their businesses, improve working circumstances, and increase healthy and nutritious food production.
In Oromia, the largest region both by population and area, Cordaid implements the performance-based financing approach, the Triple Nexus programme and Desert Locust Resilience Building programmes.
In Amhara, our projects include the Job Security and Education programme, which is being implemented in Bahir Dar city, the Argobba Conflict Risk Reduction programme, the DLRB and the Ethiopian COVID Joint Response and the Strengthening Agricultural Finances in Ethiopia programme.
In Tigray, we are part of the life-saving project the Ethiopia Tigray Joint Response.
In Somali, we have the Triple Nexus programme, the DLRB, the ECJR and the Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction programme.
In the Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region (SNNPR), our Resilience Building and Creation of Economic Opportunities in Ethiopia programme is being implemented with the aim of creating innovative economic opportunities.
Cordaid collaborates with multiple national and international partners which include HUNDEE Oromo Grassroots Development Initiative, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF Suisse), COOPI, Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA), ACPA, Red Cross, CARE, HELVETAS, Oxfam, Wetlands International, SOS Children’s Village, RBD Consultancy, Trocaire, APDA and Organization for Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA).
Latest donors include the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), International Rescue Committee (IRC), the European Union (EU), National Postcode Loterij (NPL), Government of the Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Mastercard Foundation, Act Church of Sweden (ACS), Kerk in Actie (KIA), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands Ethiopia and the World Bank.
Visiting address
Bole Sub City, Woreda 13
On the way to Gerji from Bole, around Bole Homes, near Genet Chefe Grocery
Addis Ababa
Postal address
P.O. Box 27638/1000
Addis Ababa
+251 115 578 368
+251 115 578 561
[email protected]
Country Director
Zarir Hugues Merat