Cordaid has been working in Mali for over 50 years. Since 2009, Cordaid’s interventions have been carried out directly from its West Africa office based in Bamako, in close collaboration with local NGOs.

Results & Indicators
33,157 women farmers trained in production and marketing techniques (2023)
126,452 tonnes of enriched flour distributed to support malnourished children (2023)
768 young people trained on sexual and reproductive health and rights (2023)
2,588 youth leaders trained on peaceful and inclusive governance (2023)
The Accountable Local Governance Programme (PGLR+) in Mali seeks to strengthen democratic institutions in 240 municipalities across the Gao, Tombouctou, Mopti, and Ségou regions. Funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali, the programme is carried out by a consortium of four Dutch NGOs: SNV, Oxfam Novib, the V4T Foundation, and Cordaid.
Just Future
Just Future is a programme led by an alliance of international and local NGOs and civil society organisations to strengthen the capacity of civil society in fragile contexts. The alliance partners demand more accessible, responsive and accountable security and justice institutions, and more inclusive political governance and peace-making.
Jege ni Jaba
Jege ni Jaba means ‘fish and onions’ in Bambara, Mali’s lingua franca. It is also the name of a programme that improves food security in the country. Some value chains have all the necessary conditions to be developed on a larger scale. However, farmers and producers are often facing challenges to grow their businesses. The main objectives of the programme are improving people’s livelihoods, without increasing the pressure on the environment, and creating economic opportunities for women and youth.
One of the goals of the Jigiya project (‘hope’ in Bambara) is to educate at least one million girls and boys on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The programme aims to improve the youth’s reproductive health significantly and to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. Cordaid provides technical assistance to the Jigiya project, which is being implemented in four regions: Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou and Mopti.
Watch this video about our work in Mali:
We strengthen governance and implement peacebuilding activities through local young leaders in the Segou and Timbuktu regions. We also support the populations of these regions and the Mopti region in their efforts to improve their food security without increasing their environmental footprint.
In the regions of Kayes and Koulikoro, we create employment opportunities for young people, and in Sikasso, we develop agricultural value chains and support the inclusion of small producers. We promote better reproductive health care for young people in 87 municipalities in four regions: Ségou, Kayes, Koulikoro and Mopti.
Our implementing partners in Mali include the Government of Mali, APEJ, CAEB, OMAES, AMASSA/Afrique Verte, ONG AMEDD, Elephant Vert, Netherlands Food Partnership, Emploi et Moi, Coprokazan, Foundation Voice4Tought (V4T) SNV, OXFAM, RTI, AEN and the Human Security Collective.
Our donors include the Dutch Embassy in Mali, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, USAID, the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
BP 250 – Hamdallaye, ACI 2000
Bamako, Mali
+223 20 29 31 13
The Burkina Faso office is part of our West Africa Cluster.
Director of the West Africa Cluster
Iris Hartevelt
Email: [email protected]