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16 billion used to step up the fight against HIV, TB and malaria

Health care

Donors at the Sixth Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund in Lyon pledged an unprecedented amount of 14 billion USD in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Cordaid pledged 5 million USD. “Together, we have stepped up the fight”, says Cordaid COO Willem Jan van Wijk. “This is a major step towards the goal to eradicate HIV, TB and malaria by 2030.”

Willem Jan van Wijk talks with President Macron
French President Macron and Cordaid CFO Willem Jan van Wijk at the 6th Global Fund Replenishment Conference in Lyon, on October 10. Image: Cordaid

The Global Fund is the world’s leading partnership to end the 3 epidemics. In more than 100 countries the organization supports programs by local experts. They closely work with governments, civil society, the private sector and – not in the least- with people affected by the diseases. Cordaid is their principal recipient in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Together, we accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics.

Fighting HIV does not only require the distribution of ARVs and TB medication in remote areas. It also requires more focus on gender equality.

Willem Jan van Wijk, Cordaid CFO

‘The world was asked to step up, and that’s what we did’

Chief Financial Officer Willem Jan van Wijk, representing Cordaid during the 6th Replenishment Conference – an event that takes place every 3 years: “The goal of the international community was to step up the fight against the three deadliest epidemics. With the amount that was pledged by governments, charities and others, this is what the world has done. We were asked to step up and that’s what we did.”

Fighting HIV by focusing on gender equality

“A lot of the work in fighting the epidemics has been done”, Van Wijk continues. “The last part is hardest, which is reaching the hard to reach and key populations. In the coming 10 years, this does not only require the distribution of ARVs and TB medication in remote areas. It also requires more focus on gender equality, as women and young girls are disproportionally affected. 70% of new HIV/AIDS infections come from this group. This means we need radical changes and policies that truly promote gender equality.”

Read more about Cordaid’s collaboration with the Global Fund.