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Delay in Issuing Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements for 2023

During project controls, technicalities that raised questions were identified. Consequently, we engaged an external party to assist in addressing these concerns, which may potentially affect the 2023 financial statements.

As a result, we have not yet been able to finalise the 2023 financial statements or complete the external audit.

However, the draft financial statements and the draft Annual Report for 2023 are available. Transparency and openness are the starting points in all of our work.

We regret that, despite Cordaid’s progress this year in advancing impact and transformation, we have not yet been able to finalise the 2023 financial statements and obtain the auditor’s report. We are continuing to focus on making structural improvements. We strive to provide further information about the findings and possible improvements each time when possible.

The draft balance sheet and income statement for 2023 can be accessed through this link.

For any further inquiries, please contact [email protected]