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From Local Change to Global Impact: Dutch Investments in Global Health Initiatives

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Regarding health care, humankind is only as strong as its weakest link. Global initiatives are crucial for strengthening systems in low-income countries to ensure a healthy life for all and prevent future pandemics. Through a new photo report, a video and a live event at the heart of Dutch politics, Cordaid shows what these initiatives can accomplish, how they work and why they are important to all of us. 

Sutume Aba Jihad with her 2-month-old daughter, Anisa, under a malaria net that protects their family from deadly malaria.
Sutume Aba Jihad (34) with her 2-month-old daughter, Anisa, under a malaria net that protects their family from the disease. Image: Adriana Parejo Pagador.

Meet Sutume Aba Jihad, a mother of six who lives in the lush forests of Jimma, Ethiopia. In a country with just one doctor for every 10,000 people, access to quality health care is a constant challenge. Ethiopia has the fourth highest number of children in the world not receiving vaccines against preventable and deadly diseases. 

‘I was able to give birth to six healthy babies and provide them a healthy life. For that, I have the healthcare professionals to thank.’  

Sutume works on a coffee field where the harvesting season usually coincides with a peak in malaria outbreaks, harming the farmers and their businesses. Thankfully, in recent years, significant progress has been made in Ethiopia, thanks to global health initiatives and Dutch investments.  

A Story of Millions 

Captured in a photo report, created by Adriana Parejo Pagador, Sutume’s journey reveals how these international efforts bring real change to communities. Her story is just one of the millions illustrating the impact of global health initiatives. ‘I was able to give birth to six healthy babies and provide them a healthy life,’ she says. ‘For that, I have the healthcare professionals to thank.’  

The publication From Local Change to Global Health Impact is part of an exclusive evening combining visual storytelling and expert dialogue, exploring the transformative impact of Dutch Official Development Assistance on global health initiatives.  

The event on November 7 at Nieuwspoort, will highlight collaborations between initiatives like Gavi, the Global Fund, and the Global Financing Facility, demonstrating how these synergies strengthen the global health ecosystem.  

The Power of Investing in Global Health 

In a world where half of the population does not have access to basic health care, the integrity of our global health network depends on strengthening the weakest systems. Global health initiatives are crucial in bringing solutions to health challenges that go beyond borders.  

Some of the largest initiatives in this field are Gavi, the Global Fund, and the Global Financing Facility. They address some of the most pressing challenges, including immunisation, disease control and maternal and child health. Together, they specialise in strengthening specific aspects of health systems. Combined, their interrelated successes lead to a more resilient global system. 

Since 2000, Gavi helped vaccinate more than 1.1 billion children in close partnership with 78 lower-income countries, saving over 18.8 million lives

In the last 20 years, the Global Fund has saved over 65 million lives, helping to protect our future from HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, the world’s 3 deadliest epidemics. 

Since 2015, the Global Financing Facility has reached over 130 million women with safe delivery care. 

In the end, it all comes full circle – from global initiatives to local impact. Watch the video below to learn how these initiatives build a healthier, more resilient world.

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