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Annual report 2021

Publication Cordaid
Multi-country -

Many countries are caught up in a spiralling storm of natural and human-made crises. In these fragile settings, disadvantaged populations suffer the most. We stand with those whose basic needs are unmet and whose rights are trampled by these injustices.

We support them by mobilising global networks, resources and knowledge. By doing this, we help people to move beyond survival towards a life of dignity.

A dignified and healthy life for all

Cordaid does not accept a world of inequality and exclusion. We believe in a world where it is possible for everyone to live a life of dignity. Where people can break through the barriers of poverty and exclusion, fully participate in their societies, and influence decisions that affect them. A world with an economy not driven by greed and limitless material growth, but by inclusivity, social and ecological justice, and gender equity.

Inspired by Christian values, we believe in the power of people to trigger inclusive social change in their own surroundings. We seek to strengthen the capacities and resilience of the people and communities we work with so that they are better prepared to face their future challenges. Our responsibility and accountability lie with those who are poor, marginalised and excluded from safety, services, economic opportunity and sustainable livelihoods. We actively seek increased collaboration and synergies with like-minded organisations, while pursuing the further joining of forces.

Pope Francis’ encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti are a source of inspiration as they call for collective action on social justice and care for the universal common good.

Our operations are guided by four core values that articulate our intrinsic drive: accountability, sustainability, respect, and diversity & inclusion. They reflect our concern for human dignity, our compassion and care for the earth.

Working in and on fragility

We focus our efforts on some of the world’s most conflict-torn and volatile areas in countries such as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia and Myanmar. Wherever we can, we combine relief and humanitarian aid with the longer-term strengthening of health and education systems, the promotion of peace, security and justice, and the improvement of people’s livelihoods.

In the Netherlands, we mobilise citizens to support our international work and engage with political duty-bearers to address pressing global issues.

We also support small-scale initiatives aimed at socially excluded groups, such as homeless people, refugees and people with debts.

To achieve our goals, we participate in like-minded, often faith-based, networks and cooperate with people and organisations with whom we share common objectives and values. Through our networks, we work from the grassroots level to the national and global levels. And we will continue to reach out to new partners who want to support the cause of human dignity for all.

This report provides insights into the results we achieved in all of our thematic areas in 2021.