‘Another world is possible’; under this banner, social movements and organisations, including ICCO partner organisations, rallied for a different kind of globalisation in the first years of this new millennium.

The resulting World Social Forum (2001) was wholeheartedly supported by ICCO. It formed the counterpoint to the World Economic Forum in Davos and fitted seamlessly with ICCO’s thinking. Building a world in which there is space for everyone and in which everyone’s rights are respected.
This booklet is a revised and expanded edition of Van zending tot missie. ICCO in vogelvlucht, the 1st edition of which appeared in 2001. The last two chapters, plus a final reflection on ICCO’s legacy, are new.
Van zending tot missie was a fitting title to describe ICCO in the last millennium. The new title does justice to its entire period of existence. That another world is possible has been the common thread throughout ICCO’s existence. Stubborn and persistent, but also resilient and creative, the organisation worked on this for more than half a century (1964- 2020), braving internal and external storms, until the very end.
As of 2021, ICCO and Cordaid have joined forces and increased their impact in addressing today’s and tomorrow’s global challenges, defragmented the Dutch development sector, and adapted to the needs of international development.