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Fact sheet: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Everyone

Publication Health care

In conflict-prone and fragile contexts, women and girls are more often confronted with aggression and violence. Policies which do not guarantee sexual and reproductive health and rights can lead to unplanned and higher-risk pregnancies, STIs and HIV, as well as unsafe abortions and sexual and gender-based violence.

Participants of the Cordaid and Global Fund partnership programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A counsellor working for a Cordaid programme on SRHR in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Image: Lisa Murray/Cordaid

Sub-Saharan Africa has the world’s highest proportion of young people aged 10 – 24 years, with an average of 32% of the population. Compounded with conflict and fragility, the African region still faces elevated levels of SRHR challenges.

Cordaid believes that access to information and services on sexual and reproductive health and rights is an entitlement for everybody to live a healthy life and make free and secure choices for their future.