We provide relief in crises and address immediate survival needs. We offer life-saving assistance, such as emergency shelter, water, food, and hygienic products, to ensure people are safe and adequately protected.
Once the crisis ends, we help people return to their homes and strengthen their ability to anticipate, adapt to, and respond to future disasters.
Locally-Led Humanitarian Action
Our humanitarian strategy has been renewed and is ready to contribute to alleviating changing human needs worldwide. Read more in our new and comprehensive brochure.
Triple nexus
In our triple nexus approach, we link relief to rehabilitation, development, and peacebuilding in collaboration with local partners, communities, and other key actors. We enhance their capacities to respond to unfolding hazards and disasters in a timely and effective manner.
Our assistance complies with the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, independence and impartiality and respects International Humanitarian Law.