With an increasing number of disasters and armed conflicts in the world, the burden on humanitarian organisations is growing. By collaborating within the Dutch Relief Alliance, these organisations can respond quickly and effectively to major crises.
The Dutch Relief Alliance was founded to tackle major challenges, improve cooperation and streamline coordination between organisations. Together, the members have a greater impact than organisations that work independently.
Objectives of the Dutch Relief Alliance
To effectively and timely provide emergency relief in the world’s largest crises, the Dutch Relief Alliance has the following five objectives:
-> Contribute to life-saving and life-sustaining emergency assistance in ongoing crises;
-> contribute to the rapid delivery of life-saving assistance in short-term emergencies;
-> improve cooperation among members to increase the effectiveness of emergency assistance;
-> increase the visibility of the Dutch contribution to emergency relief efforts among the public, parliament and opinion makers;
-> advocate for more funding for emergency relief.

Joint Responses
The interventions of the Dutch Relief Alliance are called joint responses. A joint response is initiated and carried out by the best-equipped members to respond to a particular crisis. For each intervention, one of the members is appointed to take the lead.
Cordaid is currently leading the relief efforts in Afghanistan. As a member of the Dutch Relief Alliance, Cordaid also contributes to the joint responses in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Libya and Ethiopia, among others.
The members of the Dutch Relief Alliance are CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, Dorcas, Oxfam Novib, Plan Netherlands, Help a Child, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Stichting Vluchteling, Tearfund, Terre des Hommes, War Child, World Vision, and ZOA.